Regular publication has been halted for an indefinite period.
Karma Platform launches crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo

Karma Platform launches crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo

Karma Platform, a Hungarian startup that enables customers to instantly transform spreadsheets into business applications, launched a campaign on Indiegogo. The platform aims to focus on bringing mobile solutions, web service integration to the SMB market.

Karma Platform, a revolutionary business administration tool enabling customers to instantly transform existing spreadsheets into robust business applications, launched a campaign on the web-based crowdfunding service on October 9. The campaign is aimed at accelerating Karma’s software development road map and includes the expansion of the product across mobile platforms as well as the integration into popular web services such as Google Apps.Read more »

Last chance to join the Seedcamp accelerator programme for 2013

Last chance to join the Seedcamp accelerator programme for 2013

Berlin will be hosting the final Seedcamp Week of 2013 during November 18-21. The four day event is aimed at connecting the 20 best startups with leading experts and investors from all across Europe and all over the world. Application closes on October 20.

At the beginning of the year Seedcamp introduced a revised format for joining the programme and it has proven to be a huge success. Startups can meet the Seedcamp Team and receive early feedback at any of the Mini Seedcamp events hosted around Europe on a monthly basis. If a startup is ready to be considered for seed investment than, it can apply directly to one of the quarterly Seedcamp Week events. So far this year, Seedcamp hosted 3 such events, at each of which mentors met 20 brilliant startups.Read more »

Startup Spotlight releases 2012 report, only 2 weeks left to apply

Startup Spotlight releases 2012 report, only 2 weeks left to apply

This year the How to Web conference will host the second edition of this intense competition and orientation program, Startup Spotlight. Last year’s competition led to some amazing results for the participating teams, you have only 2 weeks left to apply!

For two days, the How to Web conference hosts leading innovators, entrepreneurs and professionals for a feast of hands-on talks on global web trends, product & business innovation, and new technologies. As part of the conference, the Startup Spotlight competition is showcasing some of the most innovative startups in Central & Eastern Europe.Read more »

Two weeks left to apply for Wayra accelerator's latest call

Two weeks left to apply for Wayra accelerator's latest call

Wayra, Telefónica’s international startup accelerator, has announced a new call for digital projects. Entrepreneurs from all over the world have until midnight on October 20th to apply for a place in one of the eight Academies included in this call.

Wayra, Telefónica’s international startup accelerator, has announced a new call for digital projects in key markets including Europe and South America. The businesses that Wayra chooses to accelerate focus on using the internet and new technologies to innovate. Wayra is open to applications from a wide range of digital start-up businesses and is not exclusively focussed on the telecommunications sector.Read more »

Virtual Call Center receives €500,000 investment from DBH

Virtual Call Center receives €500,000 investment from DBH

DBH Investment provides 500,000 Euro funding for the Hungarian firm Virtual Call Center, allowing the company to grow at a much faster rate. The company has seen steady growth over the past three years with revenues reaching 1.1 million Euros in 2012.

Virtual Call Center’s market standing, as well as our clients’ lives, is set to change after DBH Investment agreed to invest 500,000 Euros, giving the company the opportunity to grow at a much faster rate than had been previously anticipated. This investment could be followed up in the future with additional capital, if and when the company’s growth requires it.Read more »